Categories ArchivesVisual Identity Design

Master Hot Design Trends with These Photoshop Tutorials aside

This post was written by Miklos Philips, UX Designer for Toptal Our daily lives are are saturated with amazing images. Visual design experiments become hot graphic design trends, and suddenly we see them everywhere. Striking visual designs are plastered all over the sides of buses, posters, billboards, TV ads, magazines and of course, digital products. They have many names, including duotone, double exposure, scan lines, glitch, smudge, color channel, photo masking, vibrant-garish colors, and misprint. The graphic design trend “glitch” on a New York City subway advertisement. As with fashion, design trends are often recycled from decades past—we see them coming back again and again: Russian constructivism, Bauhaus, screen printing, 1970’s… etc. Simple, saturated geometric design patterns have been around ...

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Exploring the Gestalt Principles of Design aside

Negative space has long been a staple of good design. Leaving white space around elements of a design is the first thing that usually comes to mind. But then there are designs that use that white space to infer an element that isn’t actually there (the arrow hidden between the E and X in the FedEx logo immediately comes to mind as an example). The “E” and “x” in the FedEx logo create an arrow within the negative space between them. The human brain is exceptionally good at filling in the blanks in an image and creating a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. It’s why we see faces in things like tree leaves or sidewalk ...

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The Ultimate List of 50 of the Best Sketch Plugins aside

Sketch has taken the design market by storm. They don’t release any official numbers, but it’s pretty obvious that almost any design team you join or talk to knows about or uses Sketch to some extent. One of the most powerful aspects of Sketch is its lively developer community and the fantastic set of plugins they’ve built for it. With Sketch plugins, you can create gorgeous 3D illustrations and unique animations in seconds. I gathered a list of fifty of the best Sketch plugins to save you time on research. I organized them by categories below. Sketch Plugin Managers Collaboration Sketch Plugins Content and Object Generator Plugins Export and Front-End Development Plugins Layer Management Plugins Utilities Sketch Plugin Managers You ...

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7 Tips for Shooting the Perfect Kickstarter Video aside

Producing a fundraising video for Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Fundable, or a promotional YouTube video for a business can be a fairly big investment. A startup founder will often pitch an idea speaking directly to the camera—this is known as a single-presenter video pitch or “talking head.” Unfortunately, not many people do it well. It is said, “you never get a second chance to make a first impression.” A high-quality video pitch can go a long way toward helping your Kickstarter video campaign, business or individual gain credibility, secure funding and, in general, be taken seriously: A poor-quality video pitch could potentially be the end point for any promising idea or up and coming business right out of the gate. (NOTE: When “camera” is mentioned, ...

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Using Emojis to Manage Sketch Files aside

Let’s face it. With every large design project comes great responsibility to try and understand what each layer in a large Sketch file does. Browsing through layers to understand their function is not exactly the most comfortable thing to do even if good naming conventions were assigned to each layer. We designers are visual creatures and we prefer not to scroll through an endless wall of copy to make sense of our designs. Wouldn’t it be nice to view all layers in a visual way? Today, I will give you a super simple tip that will save you time and will make your Sketch files more entertaining. Using Emojis as Your Layer Names… Taking a look at the image below, ...

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Creating Mind-bending Illustrations with Sketch and Looper in No Time aside

How much time do you spend trying to create unique and creative illustrations for your designs? Probably much longer than you’d like. Looper lets you cut down on illustration time while creating completely original illustrations. It’s a new Sketch plugin that allows you to create unique shapes and patterns by duplicating, moving, and rotating objects multiple times, resulting in mind-bending illustrations. Today, I’m going to show how—with zero drawing skills—you can create incredible illustrations for your app designs, banners, and backgrounds within 20 seconds or less. Feel free to download the original Sketch file I made to follow along during the tutorial. Why Looper? I’ve been doing research on different plugins and apps to help me create original illustrations, and I found Looper works best ...

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Design Process: Is it Objective or Subjective? aside

Design is complicated. Some types of design are more subjective, “artful”—some are more utilitarian and follow more rigid rules. What process do we follow to create digital design solutions? Is it an inevitable conclusion of mechanically applying objective principles to a problem (functional design), or is it the organic result of more subjective decision making? The relationship between art and design is often misunderstood, and although a design outcome can be artful, the process behind it is altogether very different. An artist aims to aesthetically express personal ideas or feelings through a particular medium. Art is valued for its originality and ability to explore alternative representations of an appearance, people, or things. With art, you either get it or you ...

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How to Create Custom Fonts: 7 Steps and 3 Case Studies aside

Let’s face it; there are typefaces that we designers love to hate. Actually, the word “hate” might not be strong enough. Scourge? Curse? Plague? Excrement? I’ve heard each used to insult the inanimate letters, numbers, and symbols we use to communicate ideas, and I totally get it. I’ve seen (and committed) type crimes so bad that even the most outlandish office bulletin would be embarrassed. But what if I told you that the most reviled typefaces of our generation could actually be a brand designer’s best friend? What if I showed you how to turn lackluster letterforms into luscious logotypes that clients will love (and pay good money for)? Would you be willing to radically change the way you look ...

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LogoLounge 9 Badges of Honor image

We are happy to announce that Zenetic received two Badges of Honor from LogoLounge website and got published in the annual book number 9 from 2016. LogoLounge is a collection of logo designs made by international leading identity designers. In this year competition they awarded Badges of Honor to 500 professionals from a pool of 25,000 submissions. Zenetic earned two Badges of Honor on behalf of logos produced for a Californian wine retailer: California Custom Cellars and an italian financial experts company: Revidere. More info about LogoLounge can be found here:

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Visual Identity Design Process Explained image

visual identity process

An effective visual identity design process helps brand recognition in a wide variety of contexts and improve the perceived value and quality of the business/product in the mind of target audiences. The visual identity process will equally involve the participation of client and designer from the early stages of the project till final delivery and support.

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