Categories Archiveslayout design

How to Design an Effective Landing Page aside

Landing pages can be described as one-page websites that push the visitor toward a single action. This focus on a single purpose is the primary feature that makes landing pages different from other websites. Their primary goal is to generate leads which are often linked with email and social media campaigns and to convert those leads into buyers and subscribers. The process of converting visitors into leads and buyers is usually accomplished by call-to-action buttons and lead generation forms. “A landing page is any webpage on which an Internet visitor first arrives on their way to an important action that you want them to take on your site” – Tim Ash, Landing Page Optimization Landing pages originated in response to the ...

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Page Speed 101: A Primer for Mobile UI Designers aside

Did you know that 40% of people will abandon a web page if it takes more than three seconds to load? As responsive web design has taken hold, internet users have come to expect exceptional performance. They want sites to perfectly cater to the device they’re using, they want easy navigation and intuitive design, and they want page load speed to be under one second. That’s a high bar to hit, but with the right optimizations in place, any designer can give their mobile interfaces lightning-fast page speed. I recently scoured the web looking for every last tip and trick for optimizing website speed across platforms. Here is my comprehensive list of page speed hacks: 1. Resize Images Images that are bigger ...

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The 5-step Process for Turning Your Blog into a High-Conversion Funnel aside

The blog. It’s the oft-overlooked stepchild of a website; yet, positioned properly, it can generate an almost unlimited number of highly qualified leads. There is a proven, five-step process for transforming your blog into a high performing conversion funnel engine for acquiring qualified prospects. We’ll go through examples of blogs that are doing it right—along with some examples of what not to do. No matter what you’re selling, you’ll learn how to design your blog for maximum conversion success. Every business with an online presence has steps that a person must follow to become a customer. Whether people are buying your product or signing up for some other service, there will always be a certain number of steps they’ll have ...

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Design Process: Is it Objective or Subjective? aside

Design is complicated. Some types of design are more subjective, “artful”—some are more utilitarian and follow more rigid rules. What process do we follow to create digital design solutions? Is it an inevitable conclusion of mechanically applying objective principles to a problem (functional design), or is it the organic result of more subjective decision making? The relationship between art and design is often misunderstood, and although a design outcome can be artful, the process behind it is altogether very different. An artist aims to aesthetically express personal ideas or feelings through a particular medium. Art is valued for its originality and ability to explore alternative representations of an appearance, people, or things. With art, you either get it or you ...

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How to Create Custom Loading Animations to Decrease Bounce Rates aside

Originally known as a throbber, a loading animation is used to indicate the progress of data recollection or interface rendering. While you could once get by using a dull progress bar to indicate this, those days are gone. Today, a well-crafted animation leveraging CSS, jQuery, or simple animated GIFs is an opportunity to enliven your interfaces and add personality to your product. Thoughtful animations can entertain your users while they wait for your content to load. A good loading animation helps manage expectations and improves the user experience by maintaining interest. In this tutorial, we’ll use Sketch to create basic shapes and Principle to quickly create simple custom loading animations. (Both of these apps are for Mac.) You’ll learn how ...

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Design for Emotion to Increase User Engagement aside

Designing for customer delight can lead to competitive advantage and growth. “Design is really an act of communication, which means having a deep understanding of the person with whom the designer is communicating.” ― Donald A. Norman, The Design of Everyday Things The reward for companies that connect with customers’ emotions in a positive way can be substantial. How can we identify the powerful motivators that lead to making those connections? Emotional design can influence those motivators, paving the way to competitive advantage and growth. How is Emotion Connected to Design? Everything around us has been designed in some way and all design ultimately produces an emotion. We experience an emotional reaction to our environment moment-by-moment: a like or a ...

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Layout Design – The use of form image

layout design

In layout design, choosing the form should be considered as carefully as possible because it is critical for communicating the right message. Form refers to shapes, lines textures, words and pictures. The ability to make form look good and draw attention makes people understand and embrace the meaning of the concept.   Objects and shapes Image: Vicki Li, Iowa State University, US   Form is a message no matter how simple or abstract is. A dot, for instance, is a complex object having the ability to focus attention and provide a reference point relative to other forms surrounding it. A square has equal angles and sides therefore it is analytical, artificial, mathematical and limited; while a circle is natural, endless and complete because ...

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