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Design for Emotion to Increase User Engagement aside

Designing for customer delight can lead to competitive advantage and growth. “Design is really an act of communication, which means having a deep understanding of the person with whom the designer is communicating.” ― Donald A. Norman, The Design of Everyday Things The reward for companies that connect with customers’ emotions in a positive way can be substantial. How can we identify the powerful motivators that lead to making those connections? Emotional design can influence those motivators, paving the way to competitive advantage and growth. How is Emotion Connected to Design? Everything around us has been designed in some way and all design ultimately produces an emotion. We experience an emotional reaction to our environment moment-by-moment: a like or a ...

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A Step-by-step Guide to UI Animation with Principle and Sketch aside

Designing a UI interface with animation and transitions in mind is a great way to plan a better user experience (UX) for your next app. Animated micro-interactions are the perfect way to stimulate user engagement, in a world of short attention spans. This is why Airbnb recently introduced Lottie – its “new open-source tool that makes adding animation to native apps a snap.” Projects like Lottie show the increasing importance of adding motion as a new element for crafting enhanced UX for both apps and websites. In this tutorial, you will learn effective UI animation techniques using Principle for Mac. After you’ve gone through this guide, ’ll be able to turn dull and static mockups into interactive prototype to better ...

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Anticipatory Design: How to Create Magical User Experiences aside

This morning the song “This Magic Moment” by The Drifters popped into my head for no apparent reason. Those restless neural networks in our brains do funny things. They make seemingly unrelated, unconnected thoughts and concepts connect. Slapping my forehead I said to myself: “But, of course…” Recently I’ve been thinking about those magic moments in UX that happen when we’re interacting with our digital devices or services. We encounter perfect moments, when everything falls into place, in exactly the right way, at exactly the right time, as if it’s magic. It could be at your bank, in your car, a vending machine, or on your phone. I believe the era of anticipatory design is here, or least within our ...

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3D Printing: Should Designers And Developers Take Notice? aside

3D printing is not a new technology, but recent advances in several fields have made it more accessible to hobbyists and businesses. Compared to other tech sectors, it’s still a small industry, but most analysts agree it has a lot of potential. But where is the potential for freelance designers and software engineers? A fellow Toptaler asked me this a couple of weeks ago, because I used to cover 3D printing for a couple of publications. I had no clear answer. I couldn’t just list business opportunities because this is a niche industry with a limited upside and mass market appeal. What’s more, 3D printing is still not a mature technology, which means there is not a lot in the ...

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The 11 Photoshop Plugins That Made Me a Better Designer in 2016 aside

  Sketch is the latest flavor in design, but Photoshop is still used by many of us, and with good reason. With the right plugins, Photoshop is an extremely versatile program that can make your design work stand out from the crowd. This is a list of the best Photoshop plugins that I started using last year that greatly improved my workflow and made me a better designer. Some of these plugins will make you a more efficient designer, while others will help you create kick-ass 3D effects for awesome portfolios. Let’s dive in. Craft By Invision Craft is a relatively new suite of plugins that lets you design with real data in mind. You can pull real data from ...

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LogoLounge 9 Badges of Honor image

We are happy to announce that Zenetic received two Badges of Honor from LogoLounge website and got published in the annual book number 9 from 2016. LogoLounge is a collection of logo designs made by international leading identity designers. In this year competition they awarded Badges of Honor to 500 professionals from a pool of 25,000 submissions. Zenetic earned two Badges of Honor on behalf of logos produced for a Californian wine retailer: California Custom Cellars and an italian financial experts company: Revidere. More info about LogoLounge can be found here:

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UX animation – our first concept exposed on Materialup image

Part of a designer work is to keep finding new means of expression. We have lately become passionate about Google’s material design concept and started to learn its fundamentals. Using our short learning experience, we have created an UX animation for a prototype we designed for an odometer mobile app. We are happy to see that our first prototype made with After Effects was listed today on Materialup, a great collection of user interface design and ux animations based on Google’s material design principles. If you are in the early stages of prototyping a great idea for a mobile app and you need fresh ideas about your ux animation should work we’d be thrilled to join the adventure! Feedback is welcomed!

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Visual Identity Design Process Explained image

visual identity process

An effective visual identity design process helps brand recognition in a wide variety of contexts and improve the perceived value and quality of the business/product in the mind of target audiences. The visual identity process will equally involve the participation of client and designer from the early stages of the project till final delivery and support.

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The good logo image

The logo is the central part of any visual identity.  A good logo deliver a powerful and effective message about brand’s values. The 3 key conditions of the good logo are:   The good logo is unique and memorable The good logo stands out and identifies in the market crowd. It is the visual representation of the business identity and not a merely decorative object. Logos using common symbols such as globes, arrows or swooshes can hardly distinguish among hundreds of other logos having the same elements. Relevant graphic symbols and unique typeface are instantly recognizable and makes the logo memorable. The good logo is functional The good logo is adaptable to different business contexts and is easy identifiable in any communication medium. It ...

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