Tags ArchivesSketch

How to Build an Effective Design Framework aside

If you’ve been in the design world for a while, you’ve probably heard these terms: design framework, UI framework, UI kit, or pattern library. They all refer to the same thing—a system of design standards, templates, UI patterns, and components that are used throughout a product and serve its design language. If you haven’t created a design framework before, starting one can feel overwhelming and seem time-consuming, but it will speed up your design work and make it more efficient overall. Let’s outline the main issues a design framework solves, why you need one, and the components you will need to create when building one. You will find a free downloadable Sketch UI framework later in the article that allows you to create ...

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Creating Mind-bending Illustrations with Sketch and Looper in No Time aside

How much time do you spend trying to create unique and creative illustrations for your designs? Probably much longer than you’d like. Looper lets you cut down on illustration time while creating completely original illustrations. It’s a new Sketch plugin that allows you to create unique shapes and patterns by duplicating, moving, and rotating objects multiple times, resulting in mind-bending illustrations. Today, I’m going to show how—with zero drawing skills—you can create incredible illustrations for your app designs, banners, and backgrounds within 20 seconds or less. Feel free to download the original Sketch file I made to follow along during the tutorial. Why Looper? I’ve been doing research on different plugins and apps to help me create original illustrations, and I found Looper works best ...

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