Monthly ArchivesOctober 2017

What is UX Design? Common Misconceptions and UX Myths aside

Even after all these years, it seems like “UX” is still a buzzword at many companies—“We don’t just need a designer,” the VP of Product declares, “We need a UX Designer!” An audible gasp is heard in the room; everyone in the meeting nods in agreement while surreptitiously Googling “What is UX design?” and “What does a UX designer do?” By now, most people know that UX stands for user experience. But knowing what it stands for is not the same as really understanding the details that make it up and make it work. In fact, most people would have a hard time explaining what designing for a user experience means, or what a UX designer actually does. UX—in short—is all aspects of a system (website, app, product, ...

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TV UI Design: Working with White Space aside

Designing for TV requires a comprehensive, disciplined understanding of UX principles. One of the elements that is a constant concern when designing for TV is the use of white space in design. There are too many TV apps on the market that don’t know how to (or consciously choose not to) properly harness white space. The result is cluttered eyesores that actively undermine business objectives. Here is an explanation of what white space is and how using it in your TV app is best for business. First and Foremost… What is white space? White space is an unoccupied piece of real estate with zero text or graphics layered on top. This is important to note because a background graphic image can be ...

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Button Design Over the Years – The Dribbble Timeline aside

Buttons. With them, we finalize shopping on the internet, we log in to our bank app, and we submit forms filled with our most personal information. Web design is growing at an incredible pace, and styles seem to change from month to month. In just a few years, we have gone from text links to skeuomorphism to flat design. Navigation is one of the most important elements of web design, and the call to action button is its strongest tool. In this article, I will trace eight years of web button design history based on Dribbble. The Dribbble Buttons Timeline In 2009, Dribbble was created: a platform for designers from around the world who shared little pieces of their current projects. ...

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