Visual Identity Questionnaire

If you are interested in building a new visual identity/logo design please take a few moments to complete our visual identity questionnaire to allow us to better understand your business needs. We will get back to you with a proposal in one business day.


    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Company Name (required)




    Desired Start Date of the Project(required)

    Is this a new project or a rebrand

    List any additional design or consulting services besides our standard visual identity package(ie. Corporate Presentation Design, Brochure Design, Label or Package Design...)


    Business/Product Name(required)

    Describe the services that your business/product offers. Please also tell us how many employees you have, your location, years in business, etc. (required)

    Who is your target audience/demographics?

    How do people learn about your product/services? (web, mail campaign, direct meeting, etc.)(required)

    Who are your key competitors? List their names or websites. (required)

    What benefit can your company/product provide for your customers that they do not find at your competition?(required)

    What kind of personality do you see for your business/product?(required)

    Please list any brands you admire and tell us why. If you have any specific colors / icons / symbols / images that you would like to associate with your brand, please also list them here.(required)

    Please provide any additional info you consider useful for defining your new visual identity

    We will get back to you in the next business day with a quote for your project. Stay tuned!

    If you have questions about our process or services please feel free to contact us.

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