Corporate ID Design and Website standard

We were hired to develop  a new Corporate ID design for Ellith,  a worldwide network of immigration and payroll independent experts represented in over 100 countries. We updated their website design and created new brochures, case studies, white papers, application forms, newsletter, etc. Get A Free Quote

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Software Company Visual Identity standard

Challenge The Blackbird Group is a leader in identity and access management solutions. It is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner and a Novell Preferred Technology Partner with more than two million installed seats worldwide. The company has the corporate headquarters in Manhattan, New York, and offices located throughout Europe. Its clients are small to large business in the financial, educational, government and healthcare industries. Blackbird Group launched Management Suite, an innovative solution pack consisting of five software products (Blackbird auditor, Blackbird privilege explorer, Blackbird privilege manager, Blackbird protector, Blackbird recovery). Software Company Visual Identity With the launch of the new software package, the group needed a new visual identity. The existing corporate identity and online presence no longer represented the company and its ...

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