
Winery Visual Identity Design

Winery Visual Identity Design

We developed a prototype design for a new visual identity for a wine producer in Santa Cruz. The winery location is at the top of the local mountain. It has a retro/classic look offering the visitor a feeling of familiarity. The new winery identity design had to distinguish itself from the high competition in a market with lots of wine producers and local wineries.  At the launching event, the winery should offer its guests a bottle of wine. This gift would help them remember the winery identity, the location and the good vibe. We also create the wine bottle package design and bottle design prototypes for this event.

Our visual identity design strategy was built on the brand strengths: the hand craft tradition and the latest production technology. The visual impact was created by the use of basic symbols and appropriate typography. The resulting visual identity design has a retro and technical feeling. At the same time, it allows the brand to stand out in the targeted market.

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